/HEADSTART is putting students into the workforce while they are
still in school, by starting a part-time apprenticeship or traineeship.
You can choose Apprenticeships and Traineeships in key industries
such as manufacturing, building & construction, community
services, health & business
How /HEADSTART works
You will go to school some days and work on the other days. At a
minimum, you will undertake paid employment for:
• One day a week in Yr 10
• 2 days a week in Yr 11
• 3 days a week in Yr 12
What do you get?
• A /HEADSTART Pathway Plan tailored to the specific needs of you and your employer
• One-to one support from a /HEADSTART Coordinator to
keep you on the right track
• Part time employment that transitions to full time when
you complete Yr 12.
• Quality RTO Cert III training
• A VCAL certificate
• Significant progress towards a Certificate III trade qualification